CatfishJoe productions



2024 /25 Photo competitions

Photo competitions are the best way of sharing images with those that matter. We are rolling out competitions for this reason.
Kgalagadi photo competition
Kgalagadi photo competition
Overstrand photo competition
Overstrand competition
National photo competition South Africa
National (main) competition

Main competition. R300000 in prizes. Largest photo competition 

A annual photo competition that aims to create a platform for photographers to share their best images and to inspire others to capture the beauty of South Africa. {Now Including the annual Kgalagadi photography competition}
  • Complete entry form below

Photographing South Africa

Categories to enter

These are the categories. Should you be unclear about where to enter your special image, enter into the travel category with a mention.

Photographing South Africa

Wildlife and Macro {now Incl Kgalagadi Photography}. Top 30  Images entered in Kgalagadi photography competition automatically goes through. A Kgalagadi image  as well as any other wildlife image can thus still win the overall competition.

Landscape and seascapes

Photographing South Africa

Landscape & seascapes

Photographing South Africa

Rural, villages and countryside

Photographing South Africa

Cityscapes and street photography

Photographing South Africa

People and cultures

Photographing South Africa

Under water

Photographing South Africa


 Rules and prizes

Competition rules

Photographing South Africa
ENTRIES OPEN: 1 Sept2024

Closing date: End August 2025

Annual Prize giving event: To be launched

Prizes for Photographing SA Photo Competition 2024/25


2. Prize giving weekend with partner for top 4 at Kgalagadi Lodge at the Kalahari gemsbok park gate. (Accommodation, meals and unique function in the red dune kalahari.) 

3. Additional 3 night’s at the Kgalagadi lodge for two sharing with two meals included.

4. Three nights and days at Cabo beach villas Inhaca island Mosambique. 

5. Three nights and days at the big 5 Selati game reserve in the Lowveld. 

6. Two nights stay at The Yellow door guest house Yzerfontein

7. Two nights at Villa Fontana in Yzserfontein

8. Two nights at the newly revamped Steenbokkie guest house in Brandvlei on route to Kalahari gemsbok park. 

9. Two nights stay for couple at Country lodge Upington including a traditional celebratory kalahari meal / function. Hosted by the owners. 

10. Two nights stay at Three birds guest house Richmond on the N1. 

11. Three day photographic guiding and tutoring by Joe Lategan either in Kalahari gemsbok park or the Western Cape.*see details of what this entails. 

12. One year Joe’s Camera “frequent shooter” membership benefits.

13. Display and sell your winning image at selected lodges / destinations. 

14. 15% discount for courier/ shipping including any art including framed large photos. International or national for 12 months including full insurance. By Virgo Global Logistics

15. A full Page in website PhotographingSA with video interview for promotion of photographer. 

16. Meat including droë word and biltong voucher form Wickens butchery

17. Gallery space for free and The opportunity to Display top image for sale at selected destinations in South Africa. 

18. Full exciting and unique day celebratory and guided seascape excursion in the Overstrand by Joe Lategan. Food wine and other food and beverages sponsored by KabelJoes seafood restaurant and Meating gallery restaurant

19. Full day mix of celebrating the achievement and the beauty of the Cape wine lands, wine and food of the Cape wine-lands and photographic tutoring during autumn season. 

20. Assistance in marketing of photographer as well as assistance in all photographic matters for the next year. 

21. 15 % discount on accommodation at the Kgalagadi lodge for the following year.

22. 15% off all enlargements done for the following year.

23. 15% discount on all framing done in the following year. 

Prize giving: At the Kgalagadi Lodge

Dates: (exact dates to be announced)  Note: All prizes are at judges discretion will be final and where images are not strong enough for a prize a prize will not be awarded.

All entrants remain owners of images and agree that the images entered can be used by the owners of PhotographingSA, Joes Camera  for marketing these social media platforms only but with specific credits given to photographers. Any other usage will be with consent of photographers.

Prize giving: To be advised.

Dates: (exact dates to be announced)

  • The 2024/25 Photographing SA Competition is sponsored by; Organizer and Main sponsor CatfishJoe Productions, Joe's camera on YouTube and various annual sponsors on a year to year basis to join throughout the year. See current prize givers.

  • You can enter any genre of photography as per categories. We invite one and all to submit your best photos capturing the scenes in SA and Lesotho

  • This competition launches the annual photographic celebration of the creative and unique diversity of South Africa is limited to locations in South Africa and Lesotho.

  • The competition IS covered throughout the year and Monthly videos are produced of the selection process with critique in the form of coaching on Joe's Camera on YouTube. 

Rules of the competition


  • Anyone is allowed to enter and when making finalists throughout the year must email around 1 Megabyte image. ( for fair judging)

  • Photographers from any country may enter.

  • All submissions must be the photographer’s own work and he/she must be able to supply RAW or original files when requested.

  • No submissions on behalf of someone else are permitted.

  • All required caption, personal and technical information must be supplied by the photographer on the requested platform and any further verification where and when required by the organizers.

  • Photographers must obtain all and any permission necessary and where required in their private capacity to photograph any subject matter, be it human or animal, before entering the competition.

  • No law or rule must be broken to obtain a image.

  • CatfishJoe productions or any of its associates, members, owners or sponsors will bear no legal responsibility for images published in any media, print or social. Failure to obtain permission which might hamper the flow of the competition might lead to immediate disqualification.

  • The organizers do not retain copyright to your photographs outside of the social media pages for the promotion of the competition and Joe's camera YouTube structure on a monthly feature, social media posts, and advertisements for the competition. Your photograph can be used to further advertise the competition and the related social media platforms such as facebook but be credited with your details when and wherever featured.

  • Monthly finalist winners will be announced and featured on the PhotographingSA website, facebook page and Joe's Camera on YouTube.


  • If your image has won, or placed, in any other previous photographic competition, information thereof must be declared upon entry. Similarly, images that have been published, either in print or online, must be accompanied by a declaration (please include details of publication and date). Judges reserve the right to exclude any images deemed to have been used or appeared in public extensively or for any other reason before we announce the winners and placed it in media ourselves..

  • If your image is chosen for publication by another entity after having been selected as a finalist in this competition, please notify the PhotographingSA Team immediately through contact us page on this website.

  • You may not enter the same image into the competition more than once unless in color when black and white or visa versa.

  • Photographers can enter a maximum of 3 images per month for the duration of the competition or enter his or her top 3 images for the year. You don't have to enter every month but have a better chance with more entries if you enter 5 each month.

Subject matter

  • Only subject matter taken in and around the mentioned territory are eligible for entry.

  • Harassment of both people and animals or destruction of the environment in pursuit of an image will not be tolerated.

  • Images will be rejected should there be any baiting and/or manipulation of animal behavior to the advantage of the photographer. Animals must be free-roaming and not held in captive or restrictive environments, even for rehabilitation purposes.

  • Images taken from hides will be accepted.

Image editing

  • Artistic interpretations are allowed to be entered but images must accurately and realistically represent the natural world and if a composite must contain all images captured in South Africa specifically. We will request the original RAW or JPEG file if any queries arise. Judges decision will be final.

  • No artificial intelligence created images allowed

Terms and conditions

  1. Prizes are non-transferable and no cash alternatives are available.

  2. Prizes will be announced on PhotographingSA website, facebook page and Joe's Camera on YouTube.

  3. The competitions rules, format and prizes can be altered at any time by the main sponsors and host to ensure the sustainability of the host, sponsors, competition and or platforms. 

  4. The closing date for entries is 31 August  2024. The judges cannot accept responsibility for late entries.

  5. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

  6. All entrants’ information will be used only in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  7. Multiple winners may be subject to a tie-break to decide an outright winner.

  8. Organisers and sponsors may re-allot prizes if we are unable to contact selected winners. Please ensure that you provide the correct contact details and follow the relevant social media platforms, this website, facebook page and Joe's camera on YouTube.

  9. Prizes not claimed within three months will be forfeited.

  10. Any deviation from the rules and/or attempt to manipulate the outcome of the prize will result in disqualification.

  11. The winner’s details and winning photograph may be released, performed or displayed to the public by or the sponsors of the prizes. The winner’s details will be credited alongside the photograph wherever featured.

  12. By entering into this competition it is deemed that you have read and understood these rules.

  13. The organizers reserve the right to not award any prizes if the standard of images entered is not of a suitable standard and fit for purpose or display.

  14. The entrants give permission for Joe's Camera YouTube channel for photographic tutoring, discussions and critique.

  15. Your photograph can be used to further advertise the competition and the related social media platforms such as facebook but be credited with your details when and wherever featured.


Joe Lategan, Gerhardt Theron, Hugh Mitchler, Jan van Zyl, Margueriet Jones and 3 others.

PhotographingSA competition

Enter Main PhotographingSA competition

Capture, Complete, Share, Inspire
Name Phone E-mail Upload your image
Choose file
category Image name or number and Description, poem, article Submit