CatfishJoe productions


Floral photography in south africa

Its Flower season in South Africa now.

Floral photography opportunities

The Cape Floristic Region is the smallest of the six world recognized floral kingdoms and is an area of extraordinarily high diversity
and endemism. It is home to over 9,000 plant species, of which 69 percent are endemic. This in itself explains that South Africa is one of the top three regions in the world to photograph flowers and other plants.

Namaqualand. CLICK ON IMAGE


In South Africa’s Northern Cape province the Namaqualand flower region is a springtime vision that will colour your imagination for the rest of your days. Here, Namaqualand daisies and more than 3 500 other floral species emerge in spring – from early August to the end of September – to offer one of the world’s greatest flower shows.

Overberg flowers

Overberg now in full bloom. CLICK ON IMAGE


It is now Canola landscape season in the Overberg. Being an incredibly diverse part of South Africa, the Overberg in the right seasons bring with it scenes of dramatic beauty – seascapes, mountains and hidden valleys which in August every year, is interspersed with a breath taking patchwork of golden wheat fields and rolling green pastures.

Western cape flowers

Western cape fynbos. CLICK ON IMAGE

Western Cape fynbos

Incredibly it has the highest known concentration of plant species in the world, its nearest rival, the South American rain forest, has only one third the number of species. Even more remarkable is that 70 percent of the Cape’s impressive 9,600 plant species grow nowhere else on Earth.