South Africas top photographic destination, subjects, genres
It’s Summer...and the stars are the limit .
Do you know where to go for that winning shot?
Top photographic opportunities or destinations
South Africa is arguably the most photogenic country on the planet. More plants than anywhere else per square meter in areas, Elephants, whales, sharks, lion, leopard, eagles, owls, insects, flowers, desert, Savanah, forests, seascapes, landscapes, mountains, birds reptiles, you name it its found in its natural habitat and interactions. Predator prey interaction to capture as no where else. The world’s richest human gene pool to showcase the rainbow nation. World class Photographic opportunities in South Africa and Lesotho are boundless. We have categorised them in order of photographic genre and then dissected them. South Africa has an amazingly rich fauna and flora, and is named by Conservation International as one of the planet's 17 most megadiverse countries. According to their statistics, South Africa ranks sixth in the world for total diversity, and has significant rates of endemism in many groups of organisms (3rd highest for higher plants, 14th for mammals, 17th for birds, 14th for reptiles, and 17th for amphibians). The country also contains two of the world's "biodiversity hotspots": the Succulent Karoo, and the Cape Floristic Region
Floral photography. CLICK ON IMAGE
Floral photography
Its going to be one of the best seasons ever for flowers. Have you booked? Besides Namaqualand there are magic wonderlands in various other places throughout the country to capture flowers. The Karoo and even the Kalahari have been painted with a heavenly brush, last seen very long ago this season. It doesn't take long to find that spectacular foreground, photographers search for in great floral landscapes, or for macro captures.
Wildlife photography . CLICK IMAGE
Wildlife photography
South Africa must rate as one of the top countries in the world to capture the greatest diversity of wildlife in a variety of habitats or backgrounds.
Landscape photography. CLICK IMAGE
Landscape photography
A country's beauty is normally quickly measured by its jaw dropping landscapes. How to define that however is a difficult science. But when it comes to sheer diversity of landscapes South Africa must rate of the most beautiful countries in the world. Of the 15 most photogenic places allegedly in South Africa most are landscapes. We however aim to go beyond the 15 most photogenic spots purely because they attract the most tourists. We have photographed the places not discovered yet by mass tourists. Those places that can make a serious photographer world famous for his or her landscape pictures.
Snow or winter photo opportunities
Snow and Winter landscapes
Although South Africa is a warm country with plenty sunshine, winter does bring snow to a few areas. Lesotho as a whole is better than South Africa in this regard but Eastern capes high lands, Western capes high laying areas as well the Karoo are good to photograph snowy landscapes when there is good snow in a wide enough area.
South Africa has many routes with a diverse scenery to capture. From landscapes, seascapes, wildlife, culture, old buildings, farm landscapes, farm stalls and road stalls that have our traditional foods on display and for sale. Routes are tourist friendly groupings of destinations and services and therefore a easy way to have photographic opportunities clustered along a stretch of road. Even the N1 is a treasure trove of photo opportunities now, but mostly overlooked.
Seascape photography. CLICK IMAGE
Seascape photography
The western cape is at its best for photographers now. Seascape photography in South Africa has immense opportunity to produce world class images. It is however still relatively new exploration activity. Let us take you to those secret spots that can assist you in taking the best seascape images in South Africa.
People and culture. CLICK IMAGE
People and cultures
South Africa is known as the rainbow nation because of is melting pot of cultures. Some are ancient cultures that are hanging on a threat and makes it great photo opportunities.
Travel photography.
Travel photography
This category is very wide and basically covers for images that cannot be categorized by other categories. Images captured on the road normally along highways, byways and backroads, while camping, road stops, buildings etc. Routes will be covered more extensively for the traveling photographer.
Urban and villages.
Street photography, Urban and villages
Looking for cityscape opportunities, or just enthralled about small towns and their architectures or coffee shop or the street photography opportunities. This is a service description.
Marine photography. CLICK ON IMAGE
There are good diving spots along the South African coast from Cape Town along the coast to Mozambique border.
Macro photography. CLICK ON IMAGE
Macro photography
The whole country like any other, has great macro photography opportunities but floral and insects are the huge opportunities due to South Africa's diverse and plentiful, flowers and insect life and presents a world class playing field for photographers with macro lenses and the desire to capture the much overlooked small stuff.
Autumn colours
Autumn photography in South Africa
Although not as jaw dropping massive autumn landscapes such as North America or Europe, South Africa has opportunities scattered throughout South Africa. Throughout the Western Cape and Western capes vineyards, Eastern Free State, and the bushveld believe it or not provide good opportunities at the right time of the year.
Bird photography. CLICK ON IMAGE
Bird photography
From South Africa's national bird the Blue Crane to Pel's Fishing Owl and many more, the variety of habitats in the country means that South Africa offers some of the best birding spots in the world. South Africa is home to over 10 percent of the species of birds in the World. The country has a wide range of habitats which is why the country has such a wide variety of avian life. Southern Africa is home to many rare and endemic species, making it a paradise for twitchers. What follows below is a guide to what are considered to be some of the best birding spots in South Africa
Astro photography. CLICK ON IMAGE
Astro photography
South Africa is a land of sunshine and open skies with areas that are extremely good for astro photography due to little to almost no light pollution in certain areas. The Karoo, Kalahari are world class astro areas.
Lesotho is a magnificent country landlocked by South Africa. It has great landscape and people photographic opportunities.