CatfishJoe productions


What is it about.

About the website and associated social media platforms

For photographers and those economically benefitting from photographers

 Photographers can help restore SA by capturing and sharing the beautiful places that are in dire need to be restored.  Tourism is the fastest most cost effective and sustainable way to turn the small towns and municipalities along our routes around, and restore them to their previous glory and beyond. Tourism SA (government) has failed dismally to utilise tax payers money to assist local tourism and the towns or municipalities. Wasting money and time on Government based platforms proved to be disastrous.  In stead they have misrepresented and misappropriated resources that had to be utilised to ensure sustainable tourism through effective municipalities. We will have to uplift what is left especially of small towns and villages and the routes that connect them.  

Photographers have the means to better utilise their talents to assist in this regards. Photographers form a or the major part of tourism globally but have never been measured, recognised nor rewarded in any way. This portal aims to do just that Through;

  1. Improve visual representation of tourism operators (guest houses, lodges, shops, people etc,) and or all aspects that makes the place tourism worthy.

  2. Creating a community of national and International traveling photographers with a common goal, to capture South Africa's beauty, share it and inspire.

  3. Creating a community of products, destinations, accommodation, suppliers of equipment and services to photographers that recognise photographers as a important part of their clients base and reward them accordingly and in turn rally loyalty of photographers in the upliftment of the town , village, route, or individual destination.

  4. Providing information and platforms relevant to Photographers and tourism operators to best motivate and capture the beauty of SA and share or use such images to uplift the tourism sectors of the economies on route, in towns or specific destinations amongst others to; 1. Creating photographic competitions and events to share good photos and inspire. 2. Improve Social media platforms of towns, people, products that can be leveraged for tourism upliftment. 3.Building a data base of products and services frequently used by photographers and then direct photographers to photographically worthy elements whether it be products, services, opportunities and /or the natural beauty of a subject or place to as wide a audience as possible across the world. 4. Assist with a SWOT analysis of the tourism infrastructures including that of municipalities and build alternative tourism structures where necessary with a emphasis on beauty and photographic potential. 

How and where to get the most outstanding photographs; Landscapes, wildlife, birds, seascapes, rural, villages, towns, people and cultures, astro, travel, macro, flowers and more in South Africa. For those photographers that are serious about capturing South Africa's beauty. 

  • Where do we start the restoration of our tourism?

    1. Invite us to your town, facility, destination, activity to facilitate the process or project.

    2. Contact us.

  • What do we do?

    1. We designed and sponsor a process to improve and best capture and share the best you have to offer tourists. 

  • Description of photographingSA

    PhotographingSA description

    A platform to inform and financially reward & inspire traveling photographers through discounts on accommodation, relevant equipment purchases, fuel, food, and services as well as photo competitions and other initiatives.

    To in turn group, expose and promote provinces, regions or destinations, suppliers, services, and goods on routes to traveling photographers.

    To expose regional tourisms most scenic spots and to inspire and stimulate photographers who travel and capture the beauty of its people and places

  • Objectives of PhotographingSA

    Photographing SA website objectives are to:

    1. Create awareness and expose the true value of photographers to the economy of regions, provinces and nationally. Something that is completely and utterly underestimated.

    2. Create value for traveling and other photographers through information, discounts on accommodation, equipment, fuel, food, and other services in return for selecting their products.

    3. Gather serious photographers in one large community to maximize value with many sub- regional communities on platforms of their photographic choice. i.e. Landscape, wildlife, people, travel and others.

    4. Act as an ongoing portal for enthusiast and serious photographers to capture and showcase the best images captured in South Africa and Lesotho on an organized basis.

    5. Stimulate and facilitate International and local photographic traveling to South Africa and Lesotho.

    6. Provide relevant, useful, and technical, travel and other relevant information to serious and enthusiastic traveling photographers.

    7. Assist tourist facilities and or products and services to target and improve overall marketing to photographic clients and or partners.


PhotographingSA south africa

  1. Current visual representations of the beautiful places in South Africa need drastic revitalization. Good photos and videos can help restore SA by best capturing and sharing the beautiful places. Only the best images and videos of a tourism product/ lodge/guest house/ reserve/ subjects should be good enough. This needs to pull through to all social media platforms to be effective and most honestly representing it. We support honest  partnerships between tourism operators and photographers to ensure this. Tourism is the fastest most cost effective and sustainable way to turn around the small towns and municipalities along our routes around, and restore them to their previous glory and beyond.  We will have to uplift what is left especially of small towns and villages and the routes that connect them.