
Etosha pans Namibia

Approximately 500 km north of Windhoek


Take the B1 road from Windhoek (tarred road) – then turn on to the C38 – tarred until the gate. Roads within Etosha are corrugated – quite badly in places so a vehicle with high clearance is better

We flew from Johannesburg to Windhoek and drove from Windhoek


We stayed in the Namibia Wildlife resorts camps – Okekuejo, Halali and Namutoni camps. Booking can be done directly with NWR , Breakfast is included

Accommodation is basic – self catering a bit challenging due to the absence of crockery, and utensils so we were forced to eat in the restaurant mostly


Directly with Namibia Wildlife resorts (NWR )

I have discovered another more affordable option for our next trip in 2023 – apply for a Namleisure card (similar to the SA wild card) – this will cost you N$ 800 but your discounts on accommodation is fairly substantial and more than offsets the N$800 for the card. The discount will apply for any additional meals or game drives you book while in the park. There are special rates for SADC citizens and we have booked our next trip with them – booking a double room on a dinner bed and breakfast basis for a reasonable fee


Photo opportunities

Plentiful – too many to mention – the waterholes ate Okuekeuejo and Halali are incredible and one could actually sit there for hours. The night photography opportunities are amazing. Many Black rhino to be seen. The volume of double banded Sand grouse when they come to the waterhole – particularly at Halali can be heard before they arrive - the noise is deafening and the mass of birds is a sight to behold. The landscapes are stunning and the elephants look like the ghosts of Etosha with the grey sand they spray themselves with. Take a tripod and torches as well as a flash (?) – although the waterholes are well lit. I recommend using a CPL filter for landscapes to try and lessen the glare. The pans were dry when we visited but I understand when there has been rain they even see pelicans there


The waterholes – be prepared to sit there well into the night