CatfishJoe productions


Yes CAPTURing FALL COLOURS IN africa is possible

Autumn foliage photography in South Africa

Although not as jaw dropping massive autumn landscapes such as one get in North America or Europe, South Africa has opportunities scattered throughout with excellent fall foliage photography. Throughout the Western Cape and Western capes vineyards, Eastern Free State, and the bushveld believe it or not provide good unique opportunities at the right time of the year.

Autumn foliage landscape photography  throughout South Africa

Foliage of autumn in most areas of South Africa

Most regions have some hidden spots where fall colors can be photographed

Plotting good foliage to photograph in South Africa is difficult to predictable as the color's are dependent on a wide variety of environmental factors that are discussed in a article. Knowing where the areas are and planning is crucial how ever.

Autumn colours in the bushveld or Kruger national park

Photographing Fall colors in the bushveld


The bushveld of South Africa is already world renowned for the wide variety of animals but during fall season the colors of the Mopani trees make it even more spectacular to photograph animals with a almost studio like backdrop.

Autumn coloured trees and old buildings in South Africa

Photographing South Africa's autumns and architecture

Fall colours with historical architecture.

Beautiful fall foliage combined with historical buildings are a bonus for ant photographer. These areas are becoming increasingly scarce as most trees with the deepest color's are not endemic to South Africa and the environmental regulations are to remove them and replace them with indigenous trees. Besides this, these trees are generally very old and also dying of old age within these historical towns and villages. Knowing where they are and in what towns can ad a very definite visual benefit to a tourists trip.