Overberg photo competition

Overberg photo competition

We are looking for images that best represent the Overstrand region. With the Kogelberg biosphere as the most diverse biodiversity on the planet, The worlds most scenic route Clarence drive, Worlds best land based Whale watching, marine big 5, Africa's gastronomy capital and much more it should be the most sought after region for photographers. Win R30 000 in prizes and a opportunity to display and sell your images in a gallery.
Entry form

Entry form

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Overstrand and Photography

Overberg a photographers dream.

Why the Overberg is a Photographer's Dream:
I have been involved in International Tourism strategy for many decades, and the least understood, unmeasured, unappreciated but most important part of marketing a tourism location, product region or country has always been photography. Photography is the most important part of any marketing campaign, yet everyone will at 99 ask for free the photos for a brochure or website or cut the professional photographers’ budget as a cost cutting or profit improvement plan. Without photos this planet would be totally unexplored and travel non-existent. That said now fake AI created images are threatening the tourism industry and more specifically the true beauty of the planet.
It thus gives me great pleasure to say that the Kalfiefees director Hester Finley understood and realised the integration of the photographingSA (www.photgraphingSA.co.za) platform into the arts and lifestyle sections of the Kalfiefees and ultimately the municipality’s tourism efforts.
 From coastal cliffs and beaches to rolling hills and farmlands, the variety of landscapes ensures that photographers never run out of subjects.
The abundance of marine life and seascapes on the one side and the majestic Mountains with its cloudscapes on the other of Clarence drive, the world’s most scenic route and the extended coastal routes through the Overstrand, including whales, dolphins, sharks, and seals, along with rich seabirds provides a wealth of opportunities for all photography.
The unparalleled biodiversity of the Kogelberg Biosphere Clarence drive passes through is a treasure trove for landscape, macro and botanical photographers. Well-maintained roads system, make it easy to reach and explore various picturesque locations.
Probably the most important point from photographic perspective point of view is the changing seasons that bring different photographic opportunities throughout the year, from the blooming canola fields in spring to the golden wheat fields in summer and the lush greenery in winter. From mist rolling in from the sea to crawling down valleys of the Overberg. From bright colourful sunrises and sunsets over the ocean to dark dramatic cloudscapes rolling over the mountains to the sea, the Overstrand is a magic but undermarketed photographic tourist region.
In summary, the Overberg region’s incredible diversity, breathtaking natural beauty, and unique wildlife make it a under rated, underexplored but premier destination for all genres of photographers. Whether you are capturing the grandeur of the mountains, the serenity of the seascapes, or the intricate beauty of the local flora, the Overberg promises a rich and rewarding photographic experience.