CatfishJoe productions


Waterscapes Western cape

Western Cape waterscapes

There are many locations that are great for waterscapes or including water as landscapes in South Africa. The Western Cape have a few great locations as well and are waiting to be captured.
Langebaan lagoon

Langebaan Lagoon. CLICK ON IMAGE

Langebaan Lagoon

Unlike your standard river lagoon, which forms when a fresh water river reaches the sea, this lagoon has been shaped by the rise and fall of sea levels over time, and is a self-sustaining, pure salt water lagoon. During the right conditions it could be the most photogenic lagoon in South Africa.

Lagoons Western Cape.

Other lagoons

The estuaries of almost all South Africa's rivers are accessible by vehicle. There are know and photographer ones and many that are not known and located in magnificent landscapes.


Inland rivers

Rivers meander through breath-taking mountains in the Cape. Access is difficult to most, but through the right channels are possible to access and photographed.